Mr. Mike, Balding Art Teacher, in action!

Mr. Mike, Balding Art Teacher, in action!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today, I got to step #7 on the 11 Tools, which calls for an on-line collaborative effort with other teachers. As the school art teacher, and as a socially-challenged middle-aged guy, I'm not a real collaborative, social butterfly. Coming out of my spider-hole to ask for people to work with me on a project filled me with a certain measure of dread. UNTIL I remembered a favorable response to an insect-painting project some of my classes did last year. It hit me: why don't I have the kids in question do their insect paintings WHILE their studying insects in science. And then, why not put pictures and narration of the project on Voice Thread? I've sent the proposal out and will see what the response is going to be.


  1. What a great idea! I've always appreciated the way you tie art and science together.

  2. You amaze me Mr. Mike with all you do and the incredibly creative ideas you come up with. I understand how hard it is to come out and ask others for help with projects, but kind of like you, when we try, we get great results. :)

  3. It happened several times this past year Mr. Mike, where the student's projects in art were aligned with what we were studying in Science. It really extends their learning of the subject matter and they really enjoyed it. Working together with you will only enhance student learning. I am looking forward to it.

  4. Your ideas, as usual are so awesome! We are so lucky to have you as our Art Teacher as HME. Good Luck with your blog-it looks AWESOME!
